Good Day

It seems my move to York may have interrupted my little ol’ blog life a tad, which I am not complaining about, but I feel like I should maybe get my self back in the world of Books&this in the hope that I can still remember how to write things that are not just work centric.

So hello there.

Good day to you.

What have I been reading of late?… well, not enough if I am honest!

As you can probably see by my 2015 page, the list is not on a par with last year. I am going to blame this on an ever expanding social life (erm) and not just that I am sleepy of an eve and would rather just sleep.

Currently I am reading The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton but it seems to be a little slow going for my liking. This is not helped by the fact I bought a beautiful hardback floral copy which is a little cumbersome to carry around so it has not been glued to me like paperbacks often are.

However, it is a sunny day today and I have limited plans so I think a sit in the garden with a book and a drink* may be in order.

In other book news I did get a lovely surprise the other month! Harlequin Teen sent me a pre-sale copy of Robin Talley’s new offering, What We Left Behind, which I really enjoyed and must actually find words and write a review of… soon.

I’m going to try to be a little more present in future.




*gin, most likely. No judgement please 🙂

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